Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Vote Like Somebody's Life Depends On It


It is not hyperbole to say that November’s Presidential Election in the United States is the most consequential election we have had in many years. Some people might argue that 2016 was more consequential, but I disagree. In 2016, we could still hope that maybe the Office of the President would work some magic on Donald Trump---that he would come to understand the importance of empathy and kindness and compromise and expertise and actual leadership.


Sadly, rather than the Office magically changing Donald Trump for the better, his presence has tainted the Office and done actual long-term damage to the country. He has shown himself to be singularly unqualified to be President. To him, everything is about raw power. To Donald Trump, you do something simply because you can, not because it is right thing to do. He is a crude, small person with mean instincts, little curiosity, and no heart.


Now that we have all seen who he is, with no room left for interpretation or spin, this November’s election has become a referendum on the soul of America. It will answer the question: What kind of a country are we?


To choose four more years of uninformed and destructive policies, belittling language, craven kissing up to dictators, personal enrichment, and the politics of chaos would tell me that America is dead. We would no longer be the country I was proud to represent as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Yemen.


If you have watched the past four years and you are satisfied with the job Donald Trump has done, then I cannot change your mind. All I can ask of you is that you stay home on Election Day.


If, however, you are eligible to vote and are thinking about voting for someone other than Joe Biden or Donald Trump—or not voting at all---please read the next few paragraphs.




Because the future of our country is at stake. If you are thinking about not voting, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE think again. There are many people whose lives will be worse if Donald Trump wins. And by “worse” I don’t mean that their taxes might be a little higher or that there might be some policy changes that make life a little bit harder for them. I mean worse as in they will feel unsafe. I know many Trump fans like to make fun of people’s feelings, but by “unsafe” I mean truly at risk for maltreatment and harm. They will feel like the country they live in actively dislikes them and wants to hurt them. And they would be right.


It is no exaggeration to say that we are on the brink of fascism in this country. Donald Trump is a wannabe strongman who thinks the way to be a good leader is to force your will on anyone who will not do what you want them to do. He is ignorant of American history, has no idea what the Constitution actually says, and seems to believe a President should be able to do whatever he wants to do.


This is why he sides with bad cops when they abuse their power. You can hear the wheels turning in his head—“If those people had just done what they were told to do, they’d be fine.” This is the argument of people who can expect to be treated fairly by the system. Many people in the United States today have no expectation of fairness from the system—and they are smart to feel this way. The deck is stacked in this country against the poor, against the gay, against the person with an accent, against people with dark skin, against anyone who makes the white power structure feel threatened.


If you are thinking of not voting, please reconsider and think about the people who need your support and your protection. With the small effort it would take to go and vote for Joe Biden, you can help protect people who, through no fault of their own, are at risk in a second Trump term. You don’t even have to go anywhere to vote. You can do it from home with a mail-in ballot. PLEASE think about this as you decide whether to vote.


If you are thinking about voting for someone other than Joe Biden or Donald Trump---especially if you live in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, or Iowa---PLEASE hear me out. I have to be blunt because this really matters: your philosophical purity is less important than your Black neighbor’s life. It really is. So please consider voting for Joe Biden instead of anyone else. I know it feels wrong and maybe even painful to vote for someone as corporatist and middle-of-the-road as Joe Biden, but, if you are white and leaning third party, please understand that this particular election IS NOT ABOUT YOU.


This is the election where you get to prove that other people’s lives matter by voting as if their lives depend on it. Because they just might.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Murder of Ahmaud Arbery

Right now, Ahmaud Arbery should be wondering if his parents got him anything for his 26th birthday tomorrow. What with the corona virus and the recent lifting of the lockdown policies in his home state of Georgia and the general nervousness about social distancing, maybe his mother and father would not have had the time or the willingness to venture out into the world to find their son a present.

Ahmaud should be having these thoughts as he himself ventures out and takes a run from his home in Brunswick, Georgia, through Satilla Hills, and back to Brunswick. These runs give him time to think. They also keep him in shape for that day when (maybe) he finally takes the last step and becomes a boxer.

Tragically---criminally—Ahmaud Arbery is not wondering anything today.

Ahmaud Arbery was murdered by a father and son who saw him jogging through Satilla Hills, assumed he was a burglar, chased him down in their truck, and shot him. This happened almost three months ago: A black man went for a jog and was killed by two white men who assumed he was a thief.

This happened back on February 23, 2020---roughly 75 days ago. Most of us are just hearing about this now for one reason: there is video of the shooting. And that video was leaked in the past few days. The video has since gone viral and the murder has received national and international coverage. Before the video came out the killing had not made much of an impression beyond Georgia.

This is 2020, not 1897. Black men and women were lynched in the past under all sorts of pretenses. According to the American Social History Project, “Across the South, someone was hanged or burned alive every four days from 1889 to 1929, according to the 1933 book The Tragedy of Lynching, for such alleged crimes as ‘stealing hogs, horse-stealing, poisoning mules, jumping labor contract, suspected of stealing cattle, boastful remarks’ or ‘trying to act like a white man.’ One was killed for stealing seventy-five cents.”

Ahmaud Arbery was lynched because two white men with deep ties to local law enforcement decided on the spot to grab their guns and be judge, jury, and executioner---all in the span of just a few minutes.

And those two white men? Surely they were charged with murder, right? Or at the very least arrested?

Nope. Not one thing has happened to them yet. The local prosecutor has finally recommended that a grand jury be given the evidence and asked to approve charges. Due to the corona virus, a grand jury cannot be convened until June 12.  By then, the murderers will have been walking around free for almost four months AFTER killing a man in cold blood.

If I were a black man, I imagine I would live my life full of fear and anger about a culture and a system where shocking injustices like this happen far too often. How many times do they happen but there is no video so nobody ever hears about them? It took almost three months for this video to come out, even though the local police had it since the day Ahmaud Arbery was murdered.

This is America.

When will it stop? When will White America stand up and say “Enough is enough”? Black Americans are not the problem here. The problem is a deeply-entrenched system with the wrong priorities. Protecting the status quo should not be Job One of law enforcement and the criminal justice system, yet far too often that is the case.

And since the status quo benefits White America far more than Black America, very little changes. Things will not change until White America refuses to go along with the system that leads to such skewed enforcement of the law. The White people of Brunswick and the rest of Georgia need to join the Black people already gathering to make it clear this is not about Black people venting anger---it’s about citizens finally getting mad enough to demand changes.

Far too often, people protesting racism in America are described as anti-American. (see: Colin Kaepernick) Do the people who use that term even get the meaning of what they are saying? They are saying “How dare you protest racism, since racism IS America.” In other words, to be against racism is to be against America.

White America, can we please just stand up and say “Enough. No more profiling and beating and killing in my name.”

I am going to run 2.23 miles tomorrow to celebrate the life and birthday of Ahmaud Arbery. It’s a mostly-meaningless gesture in the end, but it’s a thing I can do with my anger right now. And then I have committed to being more brave and outspoken about calling out racism when I see it in my own self, my own friends, and my own town. Asking Black Americans to end racism is like asking women to end sexism. It has to be White Americans that finally make a reckoning with this country’s deep-seated issues with race and demand changes from each other.

I will not mention the killers by name here. They do not deserve to be known. They deserve to be arrested and jailed.

Update: the father and son were arrested on Thursday, May 7, 2020.  https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/05/07/nation/arrests-made-shooting-death-black-man-after-outcry/

Saturday, January 25, 2020


I have been watching and listening to the impeachment trial of Donald John Trump the past few days, but this morning was the first time I happened to catch the opening prayer delivered by the Senate chaplain, Barry C. Black.

I was floored. I mean, it took my breath away. I could not believe what I was hearing. Maybe I have been away from organized religion such a long time that I have forgotten just how involved in the affairs of humans God is thought to be. I literally did a small shocked spit-take with my coffee when I heard the chaplain’s words.

If I can find a full transcript I will post it below, but in the meantime I have found the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MteWjpOVSqk (Chaplain Black’s prayer starts at the 1:02:50 mark and runs less than two minutes.) He started by asking that God “unite our Senators in their striving to do Your will.” And then went on to say “We trust the power of Your prevailing providence to bring this impeachment trial to the conclusion you desire.” 

My first reaction was, “Wait, does this gentleman really think that the 100 Senators in the chamber are truly striving to do God’s will?”

My second reaction was, “Does Chaplain Black actually believe that God has a desired outcome to this impeachment trial?”

I am sure there may be a few United States Senators who are sincerely striving to do God’s will. On a day when I am feeling generous, I would put the number at no more than 10. A person does not rise through the party system in America and get to be a Senator without a whole bunch of compromising along the way---no matter which party they are in. The twin needs to raise funds and to appeal to the base leave far too many opportunities for ethical compromise for a sitting US Senator to have much claim to “striving to do God’s will.”

But I get it. Maybe Chaplain Black was appealing to their best selves and reminding them of what they want to believe about themselves.

The next part is a little trickier for me to understand. Do people really think that God has a “desired outcome” for this trial of Donald John Trump? Is God a cheerleader who really hopes (and prays?) for things to happen? Giod is all-powerful, right? And if you believe in God’s omnipotence, then whatever way the trial turns out IS God’s desired outcome, no?

There is a real danger in believing that whatever happens is God’s desired outcome. It feels to me like the believer’s version of that pabulum I hear so frequently “It is what it is.” Of course Donald Trump will be found Not Guilty. Is that because it is God’s desired outcome? Or might it have something to do with the political prospects of 100 Senators?

I do not believe in God, but if I did, she’d be pretty angry at what is going on in D.C. these days.